Gossiping About Your Neighbors on AWDTSG

The man didn’t do anything wrong, but he was posted and now his neighbors know all about the nitty gritty details of his personal life with tea that was spilled in this post. When they say they’re in the groups for safety? Don’t believe them. It’s for gossip and entertainment. When they say good guysContinueContinue reading “Gossiping About Your Neighbors on AWDTSG”

Man Was Raped. Submits Police Report. Gets Shamed by AWDTSG.

From the Philadelphia Are We Dating the Same Guy Group One woman says “Yea that’s not the truth at all” in defense of the man, and the follow up was to slander him even more. So they’ll believe any woman without proof, without a police report, without any receipts whatsoever and above all WITHOUT QUESTION.ContinueContinue reading “Man Was Raped. Submits Police Report. Gets Shamed by AWDTSG.”

AWDTSG is All About POWER Over Men

The members probably don’t look at it this way. Gaining power isn’t always wrong if it’s to protect yourself and those you love, right? What about protecting your gender? What if it’s to protect your country? The truth is, most people and groups seeking power are doing so because they think they are in theContinueContinue reading “AWDTSG is All About POWER Over Men”

Another Hypocrisy Post

This was found on Reddit. As one user said, “you can’t make this shit up”. Men don’t count. Men don’t matter. Men aren’t human so our privacy doesn’t even cross their minds. That is the only way such hypocrisy can exist. There is no other explanation besides these women considering men “less than,” and unworthyContinueContinue reading “Another Hypocrisy Post”

What About MEN’s SAFETY?

What about OUR safety? Does it not matter? Are we not human beings too? Here’s a post I came across today on Reddit that is typical of many others I’ve seen. This person was posted in the Columbus, Ohio Are We Dating the Same Guy follow-up group called Columbus Girl Gang. Yea, Gang sounds aboutContinueContinue reading “What About MEN’s SAFETY?”

Which of these things is not like the others?

To know what you’re being accused of. To defend yourself against accusations (if not to face your accuser). The reasonable expectation of privacy. To know details about the private lives of your neighbors, coworkers, strangers, and any person you match with. I’ll give you a hint. The three that belong can be found as “Rights”ContinueContinue reading “Which of these things is not like the others?”

The Problem with Femcel vigilantism

Yea, we’ve all heard about the deadbeat dad who ghosted is wife and kid, then was found via crowdsourced detective work. But that kind of thing is the exception to the rule. Here’s what usually happens: Men can’t even have conversations with their own wives in public anymore without risk of being posted to theseContinueContinue reading “The Problem with Femcel vigilantism”

The Hypocrisy of AWDTSG

Used in a sentence:The hypocrisy of women in AWDTSG is so bad it makes my brain hurt. Ladies, your names have been marked out. You’re welcome. — Management No photos, no names As you read this thread, in which AWDTSG group members chastise a woman for posting another woman’s photo, think about how men are givenContinueContinue reading “The Hypocrisy of AWDTSG”

Only True Narcissists Stick Up for Themselves

Someone violates your privacy by posting your name and photo to a group of thousands of women and proceeds to slander / libel you in the worst ways. But if you ask them to take it down or you’ll file a lawsuit to protect yourself using THE FUCKING LAW then YOU are a “true narcissist”.

Girl Gets Blacked Out Drunk. Guy Breaks Up. It’s his fault.

These groups allow women to never have to take responsibility for their own choices. It’s always the guy’s fault because the guy is not allowed to defend himself. Easy prey. Imagine posting something like this and reading about how this guy is probably a narcissist?