

Most guys would have no problem with the group if it were only physical abusers, rapists and other predators being posted, but women are using it to get dirt on literally every man they’re interested in. This is setting a dangerous precedent and is normalizing extremely creepy behavior.

Most of them men posted on AWDTSG are not rapist and have not assaulted women, sexually or otherwise. And yet they are eviscerated, live on the internet, for thousands of women to see for things that in no way endanger women’s lives. If you are making the choice to be in those groups, you are part of the problem and we want you to leave AWDTSG.

Our requests

PLEASE STOP being entertained by other people invading mens privacy. This is the female equivalent of revenge porn and it is not ok.

PLEASE STOP doxing us, and sharing our names, pictures, dating profile screenshots, personal information, and private text conversations to thousands of strangers on the internet without our knowledge or consent.

PLEASE STOP normalizing it by silently watching other women do it, even if you are afraid to speak up because you could get kicked out of the cult. Stick up for people who are unable to defend themselves and let them kick you out if they want. Stop being cowards.

PLEASE STOP telling thousands of total strangers — as well as our friends, family members, neighbors and coworkers — the most intimate details of our private lives, including medical conditions, sexual preferences and kinks, penis size, habits, faults, medications, hangups and triggers.

PLEASE STOP attacking us and socially executing us in front of entire stadiums full of women and the entire internet where we have no means to defend ourselves or prove the allegations false.

PLEASE STOP lying about us, and punishing us for rejecting or breaking up with you!

PLEASE STOP exaggerating our “red flags,” giving extremely biased accounts of our interactions, and playing armchair psychologist by throwing mental health-shaming labels on us to make yourselves feel better.

PLEASE STOP body shaming, kink shaming, mental health shaming, med shaming and in general just being mean girls with no regard to how it feels to the person on the other side of your hurtful gossip.

START TAKING ACCOUNTABILITY for your role in your failed or aborted relationships. Posting one sided stories is not accountability.

ACCOUNTABILITY starts with leaving AWDTSG groups. They are toxic and harmful to both men and women. They are ruining the experience of dating for everyone. They make it so men are not just afraid to date, but afraid to open up and be honest and vulnerable because everything we tell you could end up twisted to make us look bad and put on blast to tens-of-thousands of women right next to our names and faces.

The only reason any woman with a shred of empathy for men would be in these groups is to look out for the good men in her life by notifying them, defending them in posts, or taking screenshots to share outside of the group.