A Good Man Gets Outed and Publicly Shamed on AWDTSG

This man seems like a good person. Several women were trying to defend him, but that didn’t stop them from posting him for being “weird”. Then a bitter ex jumps in and spills the tea about how, allegedly, he is bisexual, into threesome with another guy, and wants to be pegged.

Let’s get one thing clear: It is HIGHLY likely that the woman said this just to smear him, and it is probably not true. This shit happens all the time in Are We Dating the Same Guy groups.

Women constantly say if you’ve done nothing wrong you don’t need to worry. What did this guy do wrong? NOTHING. And yet he is publicly outed and shamed for something that in all likelihood is untrue. His NEIGHBORS AND COWORKERS CAN SEE THIS! How in the hell do you women not understand how WRONG this is!!!?!

Protect Yourself! Do not date these women in the Akron, Canton or Cleveland Area:

Nicole Malz (aka Mallory Zabor) <— RUN!

Alicia Paniccia

Rachel Lorraine

Brandi Marie  (Brandi Kaylor)

Cleveland / Akron / Canton – As Seen on Reddit
Post URL: https://www.facebook.com/groups/575309567170313/posts/980617426639523/
Note: This post has since been removed, but in order to report it we had to do so from an “undercover” profile that had access to the group. This man would not be able, under current Facebook procedures, to report the post himself due to lack of access to the groups.

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